HLP Report | Beyond 2015

Binoptionen Writer - Cody Walls
Cody Walls

In July 2012, the UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon selected 26 eminent political figures for the UN High-Level Panel (HLP) that focused on discussions regarding the post-2015 development agenda.

5 HLP meetings were held in New York, Monrovia, Bali, and London regarding the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Additionally, plans were made to implement an improved version of the MDGs after its conclusion in 2015 called for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Bonus Read: Here are details on five imperative discussions held during the UN High-Level-Panel meetings.

On 30th May 2013, the UN published a detailed HLP report named “A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies through Sustainable Development”.

The Five Big Transformative Shifts of HLP Report

The Five Big Transformative Shifts

The HLP report puts forward “five big transformative shifts” to be adopted as a significant part of the post-2015 development agenda and the SDGs. These include:

1. Leave No One Behind

  • No person should be denied their fundamental human rights and proper economic opportunities regardless of race, gender, ethnicity, disability, or other socially differentiating factors.
  • Supporting the most marginalized and disadvantaged groups by creating job opportunities tailormade for their situation. Establishing solid frameworks that provide adequate social support was also a part of this discussion.

2. Put Sustainable Development At The Core

  • Stopping and reversing environmental degradation and climate change to prevent unprecedented disasters in the future.
  • Building a more inclusive society that taps into organized efforts to initiate a sustained improvement regarding the environment and others factors.
  • The crucial role of developed countries in creating new and improved technologies like clean, renewable energy and biodegradable alternatives to promote sustainable resource usage.

3. Transform Economies For Jobs and Inclusive Growth

  • Changing the traditional economic framework and shifting slowly into a financial system that encourages job opportunities aligned with the SDGs.
  • Regulating exploitation of natural resources and limiting work opportunities based around such industries.
  • Ensuring that everybody has access to essential resources such as clean water, sanitation, adequate nutritious food, proper healthcare, clean and affordable energy, telecommunications, and transport.

4. Build Peace and Effective, Open, and Accountable Institutions

  • Establishing inclusive, stable, and dependable governing institutions that are well equipped to protect and govern the people, especially in fragile states with high crime rates.
  • Making peaceful and inclusive governance a core agenda for all countries to ensure a prosperous and stable society and guarantee the well-being of the masses.

5. Forge a New Global Partnership

  • Forging solid, cooperative, and accountable partnerships to progress in alignment with the SDGs.
  • Focusing on rooting out corrupt financial practices such as illicit financial flows, money hoarding, evading taxes, hiding ownership of assets from the government, and much more.
  • Encouraging fair trade, smoothing out economic irregularities, and creating a stable economic platform that promotes sustainable trading in alignment with the SDGs.


One of the prominent parts of this report is the realization of how the current economic landscape in developed countries is having disastrous effects on the environment. To neutralize this concern, sustainable investing is an effective means of combating the drawbacks of this growing disaster.

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